21 Ocak 2021 Perşembe

Şennur Baysal Our Anıtkabir Virtual Museum Exhibition


Meftun SAVUT/Rusya oyunumuz

 Meftun SAVUT/Şehit Polis Bülent Aslan Primary School-Bursa


Mümine Algan Bıyıksız Students' Webinar


Students Webinar
We have met with our students to evaluate 1st Term's activities of our project. We have noticed that our students learned a lot about countries. We are proud of them!😍😍

Meftun SAVUT/Kremlin Palace

 Meftun Savut/Şehit Polis Bülent Aslan Primary School-Bursa

Öğrencilerimle Kremlin Sarayını istedikleri boyayı kullanarak boyadılar.Kuru boya,sulu boya ve pastel boya kullandılar.

My students painted the Kremlin Palace using the paint they wanted, they used dry paints, watercolors and crayons.

15 Ocak 2021 Cuma

Şennur Baysal We Visited the Frida Kahlo Museum Virtual.


Şennur Baysal My students introduced Mexico.


Meftun SAVUT/Matruşka boyadık


Meftun SAVUT/Rus geleneklerini ögrendik


Meftun SAVUT/Rus bayrağını tanıdık


Meftun SAVUT/Rus yazarları tanıdık


Mümine Algan Bıyıksız Let's learn about Mexico!

 My students have had their presentations of the country 'Mexico' in our online class. We just started with a Mexican song. Then, they presented the historical places, the food and drinks, the clothes and the culture of this country. We learned a lot.



13 Ocak 2021 Çarşamba

Mümine Algan Bıyıksız The Letter 'S'

 My students have made the letter 'S' of our project's name "Let's Travel".

🤩They used the objects related to travelling.🥳🥳